
Gold Rate Guide

Below chart represents the historical price fluctuations of gold in India:
Year Price (24k/10gm)
1991₹ 3,466
1992₹ 4,334
1993₹ 4,140
1994₹ 4,598
1995₹ 4,680
1996₹ 5,160
1997₹ 4,725
1998₹ 4,045
1999₹ 4,234
2000₹ 4,400
2001₹ 4,300
2002₹ 4,990
2003₹ 5,600
2004₹ 5,850
2005₹ 7,000
2006₹ 8,400
Year Price (24k/10gm)
2007₹ 10,800
2008₹ 12,500
2009₹ 14,500
2010₹ 18,500
2011₹ 26,400
2012₹ 31,050
2013₹ 29,600
2014₹ 28,006
2015₹ 26,343
2016₹ 28,623
2017₹ 29,667
2018₹ 31,438
2019₹ 35,220
2020₹ 48,651
2021₹ 48,720
2022₹ 52,670

Disclaimer: The content on this page has been gathered from online sources. we are not responsible for any discrepancy.